Saturday, January 8, 2011

family day for the strands!

Hello you all.

Today is Saturday.  It was a good day today, filled with many events such as going to get Renee's books at college, visiting a few bookstores in search of a book for myself, buying a hat making jig for Renee at Michaels, visiting the gym for my first exercise in many a moon, going to an evening AA meeting, and to finish it off, Savoy's pizza (best in the land).

I am not positive of the highlight of the day, as all the events were fun, but I would have to say Savoy's topped the list.  I love pizza and especially theirs.  It was pepperoni!  I got a small to prove to myself that I was a balanced person and I even shared with Renee. 

Exercise.  If it was easy I guess we would have to wait in line at the Gym.  I for one have never liked it but decided to give it a shot.  I am now a fat-ass having gained 15 pounds in like 2 months.  I guess this is a sign that my metabolism has taken a dirt nap.  I still can't bring myself to "change" my diet.  To me, food is about taste and gaining energy.  If I wanted lettuce and carrots I would have been born a rabbit.  I say bring on the burgers and steak.  If you are craving a steak or a good burger right now call me and you can treat me to either. Ha ha.  Really though call me.  Even if its just pie.

Have a great day,

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